Copenhagen Accord
The leaders of states, heads of government, officials and other delegates attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Copenhagen this 2009 include:
To reach the final conference objective stated in Article 2 of the Cost Agreement, under the guidance of the principles and vision of the meeting and considering the work results of the two special task force, we agree with the special task force's resolution x/CP.15 on long-term cooperative action and continue to fulfil the obligations of annex I pursuant to the Kyoto Protocol in accordance with the requirements of resolution x/CMP.5 of the special task force.
We agree to the Copenhagen Accord and start to perform it immediately.
1. We stress that climatic change is one of the most important challenges we face today. We stress the strong political will to combat climate change, and the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”. To achieve the ultimate objective of the conference to stabilize greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere and prevent the global climate from deteriorating, we must strengthen long-term cooperation to combat climate change on the basis of justice and sustainable development after recognizing the scientific viewpoint that annual global warming should not exceed 2℃. We recognize the significant impact of climate change, as well as the potential impact on the coping measures of the countries that are particularly badly affected, and emphasize the importance of establishing a comprehensive response plan and striving for international support.
2. We agree that, from a scientific standpoint, we must greatly reduce global carbon emissions, control the annual global temperature increase to be less than 2℃ in accordance with the vision stated in the fourth assessment report of IPCC, and act on a fair basis to achieve these goals based on scientific research. We should work together to achieve the peak value of global and national carbon emissions as soon as possible…